Use the dropdown menu below to choose your membership type, then click the Sign Up Now button to go to the shopping cart. Please avoid adding multiple Cogence Immunology products to the shopping cart to avoid issues with checkout.

Renewing? Please make sure you are logged in first. Choose Membership Renewal from the dropdown menu below, click Sign Up Now, and enter the renewal coupon code we sent you by email to apply your discount in the shopping cart. Please contact us if you’re having trouble renewing your subscription (e.g., you need a new coupon code).
Note: This is a course for clinicians. That means MDs, NDs, DCs, DOs, nutritionists, RDs, LAc’s, PAs, NPs, etc. If you work with patients, or if you do formal biology research at a university or research foundation, you’re welcome to join. We know that degrees outside the US can be different, which is fine. Just tell us your credentials. If we need more details, we’ll ask. You are required to use your real name and all the contact information requested in order to become a member of this community. Once your contact information has been validated, you will be able to post questions in the Q&A forum. This can take 1 to 5 days. You will have access to the course materials during that time.

By clicking the “Sign Up Now” button below you affirm that you are a clinician with formal training appropriate to the clinical application of concepts you learn in the Cogence Immunology course.